Zuora acquires Togai.
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Transform Billing into a Strategic Lever

Togai eliminates the operational headaches of usage billing, so Finance teams can unlock data-driven decision making and revenue optimization.
We found Togai to be very flexible - to be able to capture all our events, create any pricing, and scale for any form of complexity. We saw the platform's value in the first 30 days itself and what cemented our trust in Togai was getting clear ROI right from day 1.
Gulshan Dhanani, Head of Revenue Strategy and Operations
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Automated Billing Workflows Gearing you up for Growth

Schedule high-volume automated invoice generation
Adjust product bundles and packaging for greater profit
Customize email templates and configure customer dunning
Develop data-backed pricing recommendations
Add line items and adjust pricing without engineering effort
Model pricing changes before deploying

Automated Billing Workflows

Streamlined Operations
Automate and streamline every aspect of your billing process. From usage-based pricing models to complex contract terms, Togai ensures every billing scenario is handled with precision and efficiency.
Error Reduction
Minimize the risk of manual errors. Togai's automated systems ensure that billing is accurate, consistent, and fully compliant with financial standards.

Revenue Assurance & Operational Efficiency

Prevent Revenue Leakage
Ensure every charge is accurately captured and billed. Togai's precise metering and rating mechanisms mean that no usage goes unbilled, maximizing your revenue potential.
Synchronized Financial Systems
Maintain a single source of truth for your financial data. Togai's system integrates seamlessly with your existing financial infrastructure, ensuring all data is consistent, up-to-date, and fully auditable.
Learn more about our integrations here →

Data-Driven Financial Insights

Actionable Analytics
Leverage Togai's powerful analytics to gain deep insights into your revenue streams. Make informed decisions that drive efficiency, profitability, and growth.
Strategic Forecasting
Project trends based on historical usage data and simulate pricing changes to quantify growth impact. With Togai, model uptake of new product releases and isolate causal factors for fluctuations using dimensions. Use Togai's detailed financial reports, align your financial strategies and forecasting tools to plan for the future.

Craft Custom Plans to Support Enterprise Contracts

Tailored Contract Terms
Togai's automated systems meticulously track compliance with contract terms, ensuring that billing is precise, transparent, and on schedule. Whether it's tiered pricing, volume discounts, or unique billing cycles. Easily adjust contract terms and pricing models in response to client feedback, market changes, or new strategic directions.
Risk Mitigation and Revenue Assurance
Togai's robust tracking and reporting features, you can closely monitor contract performance, ensuring that all expected revenue is accurately captured and recognized. Togai helps you minimize financial risk and maximize revenue potential from your enterprise contracts.
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Hear from Yellow's Head of Revenue Strategy & Operations
How Togai Enabled their Usage Billing â†’

Metering and Usage based billing made easy

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